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Kitchen Workout

If only I loved fitness as much as I love kitchens.  And kitchen stuff.  I get excited about a new rubber spatula or a crisp white platter.  Show me a Jeff Lewis design or a spread in House Beautiful, and I am drooling.  I can’t resist an aqua blue mixing bowl.  It’s pitiful, I know.

Somehow planks, push-ups, and pull-ups don’t do that for me.

So when my husband asked me to be in charge of the new kitchen/breakroom at the new Miracles Fitness, I was on it like white on rice (or me on a Le Creuset baking dish bargain at Tuesday Morning).  I loaded up my daughter, and we were off with a list and snacks for the “quick” trip.  We went to to several stores and mixed and matched all kinds of things to create a aqua blue extravaganza without breaking the bank.

Our staff works hard everyday, and we are very thankful for them, so I hope this new breakroom will be an improvement on the mismatched, plastic and paper one we have now.  Here’s a peak at some of what we got:



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