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Category Archive for 'Lists'

1. Walking lunges the length of Goodwill 2. Broad Jumps outside the windows of a chi-chi-poo-poo salon 3. Jogging in front of Medical Offices 4. Split Squats on the bench while holding back tears of frustration and the super-strong urge to quit 5. Running a quarter mile uphill at who-knows-what-kind-of-I-don’t-want-to-do speeds 6. Step-ups on the wall […]

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1. Yearly Physical 2. Shots 3. Jump squats 4. Walking Lunges 5. the Elliptical 6. Calling in pizza orders (Don’t ask!) 7. Flossing 8. Apologizing 9. Not going back for seconds (except for every once in awhile) 10. PLANKS!! p.s. They are some things that I hate, and I don’t care if they’re good for me […]

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5 Things I Have to Keep Reminding Myself

  1. I can’t learn to persevere when it comes to exercising if I don’t get up off my rear and go! I have to push through the exhaustion (laziness, boredom, negativity, etc.) and go to the gym. I’ll feel better after I do! 2. Food in itself is not a celebration. 3. Losing weight […]

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Ten Great Things to Hear from a Trainer

1. Just 30 minutes today! 2. You need to rest tomorrow. 3. You can’t deprive yourself from the things you love; everything in moderation. 4. Exercise has to be fun. 5. What do you want to do? It’s your workout. 6. Awesome! 7. You are doing great! 8. I am proud of you. 9. I […]

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1. So let’s do another set of those walking lunges. 2. Let’s see how many you can do in a minute. 3. Let’s see how many you can do in a minute again. 4. Your whining just makes me work you harder. 5. Today’s workout is going to be a little bit more challenging. 6. […]

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1. Grapefruit 2. Spinach, romaine, fresh veggies in general 3. Mushrooms 4. Strawberries, blueberries, peaches, bananas, cantaloupe-fresh fruit! 5. Green Tea (or in my mug!) 6. Hard-boiled eggs 7. Low-fat shredded cheddar cheese 8. Fat free sour cream 9. Steel-cut oats 10. whole grains 11. egg whites (ok, 1 more!) O.K, my top ten lists can sometimes […]

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