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I have been struggling with my weight (and my self-esteem) for awhile now. After my 2nd son was born, I lost all my baby weight and 25 more pounds. I was working out regularly and taking walks every night with my family on top of that. I felt good. Then we moved here, and the compilation of great friends, good food (a little too much dessert with those great friends), grad school, and family added about 30 pounds on me. On January 4, 2011, I looked down and realized how ridiculous I had become. I wasn’t even sad anymore; it was hilarious to me (maddening)! I was ready to do something; I was DONE!

Several things attributed to this “aha” moment.  The biggest one was my belief that I was more than my weight and my outward appearance. It was my belief that I was unique and had a purpose. I realized that those beliefs were being crowded out by my own negative images of myself and by images of what the world wanted me to be. My weight had become a stronghold on my life. In that “aha” moment, I realized I needed to slay that stronghold in order to move on. My exhausted resignation turned to absolute determination. I wanted to be the person I was intended to be; I didn’t want to have regrets. I started to realize again that I was worth it.

Are there things keeping you from being the person that you are intended to be? What is holding you back? Or what has helped you change? More factors helped me in this journey, and I look forward to sharing them with you in the posts to come!

6 Responses to “Aha Moment series (Part 3) – Am I Worth It?”

  1. Allyn Gick says:

    This is exactly what I am going through, and am finding myself stuck on. Trying to find purpose, knowing this is not who I am and wanting to exhibit “me” with my appearance. I haven’t felt like myself in a very very long time. This is very great to read about. I don’t feel like I’m the only one. Thanks Jen!

  2. Deb Kervin says:

    Love reading your blog! The pictures you’ve chosen are great. Not sure if I’ve reached an aha! moment, or just a “nah” moment. That’s the one that happens when my pants don’t quite button, or I feel so uncomfortable because I’ve eaten the whole dozen cookies. It’s a relentless cycle for many of us who just won’t give in to the great mystery! You know, the one where if you overeat and don’t exercise the pounds come back. Thanks for the encouragement. You have a lot of company.

  3. Melissa says:

    Wow! I wonder how many women struggle with strongholds in their lives and have no idea what is happening?! Thinking it is one thing not really getting to the root of the issue. I am currently asking myself some of those same questions. What is it that I’m suppose to be doing, and what could be holding me back from becoming what God would have me to be? I think we should all do a self inventory of our lives every now and again. Thanks so much for sharing!!

  4. Debra Paul says:

    Hi Jen,

    Not sure either about the aha moment. But as have stated before I am trying so hard to do as what you have started doing. I finally did but when I was able to afford to exercise there at Miracle Fitness that made it for me. My body is such a mess, with my legs being so weak but I was finally able to lift one leg to go behind the other side knee. I was excited and everyone around that saw that one was also excited. That is a thrill in itself. So yes I am so excited for you and whomever else can go through what I have and will for the long trail ahead. As I always say to women “You Go Girl!” Old saying but nice meaning to help build your eagle up somewhat. 🙂

  5. Patty Suiter says:

    I enjoy reading you blog. I can relate to parts of your story.

  6. Pat R. says:

    Debra~ I hear you!! Those small (HUGE!!) victories keep us going!