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Hi, my name is Jen; I am “Dr. Dan’s” wife. Around here he is just “honey” or “Dad,” but he’s also been a tremendous supporter of mine. He has seen me go through quite a transformation in the last six months so he has asked me to share with you in this blog. Normally, I am not the kind of person who would want to do that. I’d rather just get to know someone one-on-one, face-to-face, or just mind my own business (honestly), but I felt that this might be part of the process, part of my change, so I decided I would share with you (and give my husband a hand) for awhile. So I am going to just pretend that we are side by side on the ellipticals, cooling down and sharing our stories.

Mine is not a story about the perfect transformation or an Oprah-esque makeover; it’s just a story of a girl gaining some perspective on herself and losing some weight along the way. I hope you’ll hop on and cool down with me over the next few weeks as I share my story with you.

3 Responses to “Aha Moment series – Hi and Welcome!”

  1. Congratulations on your courage and welcome to the blogging world. Dan was right, you need to share your message with the world. I’m looking forward to checking in regularly.

  2. Josh says:

    Awesome, Jen. Look forward to reading.

  3. Gloria Bol says:

    Jen, I look forward to your posts. That takes a lot of courage. Congrats!